Scott Kulm Graduate Student

My Expertise

Current Graduate Student at Weill Cornell Medicine, coadvised by Drs. Elemento and Mezey. Researching polygenic risk scores, and in particular how pleiotropy can be leveraged to improve disease prediction. I like to live at the cross roads of coding, statistics, biology and creative thought. Former chemical engineering student at The Cooper Union, stil a son and brother.


As a graduate student I am always actively attempting to pick up a new skill, whether it be based in statistics, coding or biological.


So others may implement the lessons I've learned, I attempt to code up some tools or simple exemplars on how coding can work


Personally sharing knowledge has always been deeply rewarding, the lessons I upload here can hopefully do the same on a much larger scale

Featured Projects


Creation of Polygenic Risk Score Reports

Doctors working in clinical settings could advantageously utilize polygenic risk scores. However, the details on how polygenic risk scores are communicated and what they imply are still largely open question. With a new genotyping initiative at my institution I explore those questions here.

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Disease Risk Model Assumptions

Polygenic risk scores are judged in a model framework. The exact model employed, and specifically the assumptions of that model, have a large impact on the accuracy estimation of the corresponding score.

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Performance of GWAS Statistic Adjustment Methods

Polygenic risk scores are generated from external genome-wide summary statistics that are adjusted for the purpose of disease risk estimation. Multiple methods are available to make the adjustment, and it is not clear which method works best.

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Cardiac Pathogenic Rare Variants

Rare variants identified with whole exome sequencing have a large yet underappreciated effect on many diseases, including cardiac conditions. In this project I walk through the identification of pathogenic variants and show how they increase the risk of atrial fibrillation.

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Quantitative Genetics Notes

For the past semester I have been a TA in the Cornell course Quantiative Genetics and Genomics. For the class I ran computer lab, making tutorial-like R-Markdowns that teach both coding and the fundamentals of conducting a GWAS

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LDPred Derivation

I have been working to fill in the missing links within the method LDPred, which shrinks effect sizes in polygenic risk score calculations. I have found a few errors, so please give a read and see if I am right.

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Tic Tac Toe Three Ways

I think tic tac toe is an ideal way to learn about a programming language - so I have coded up tic tac toe programs of varying complexity in three different languages: R, Python, and Julia. If you know only one language you can use these examples as a Rosetta Stone to language learning.

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